Art, comedy, conspiracy and writing for the delusional.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

This is the greatest Shakespeare of all time.

What's up, guys?

Trolling the internet for awesomeness seems to be a deed and a desire that, like the sirens' call in Odyssey, I must listen to even while strapped to the mast of the ship, tearing and rending the ropes that hold me (thank you, thank you for your praise... As you can see, someone wemt to community college...)

And nothing, but nothing says badassery than a super short post with a video in it, eh? But of course. I agree.

I know that I alluded to this video earlier - if you remember my post about William Shatner -  but it had been awhile since I have actually seen this in its full majesty, so here is William Shatner performing William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Yes...

Just one word: Yes.

All of it is win. Pure and unadulterated win. Even the background laser-ish noises are winning.

Without much further ado (inside joke intended) here it is:

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