Art, comedy, conspiracy and writing for the delusional.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What the Hell is this "Uncle Dolan" Madness?

As I am sure you are aware (unless you hail from Kansas, Arkansas, Arizona or the like) that evolution is in full swing in every aspect of life. Trees, opinions, crabs... Even Freudian thoughts are in constant evolutionary flux. But what about those things that we really care about? Do those things have to evolve?

The answer (and here there should be the feeling of a door hitting you in the face) is YES! Unfortunately. 

Why this diatribe? Well, for me, I love the internet meme of Rage Comics, and there has been an interesting offshoot, a revolution - an E-volution, if you will - in them. They are called, well, "Uncle Dolan Comics." 

For example, this is a Dolan comic:

What are they? Well, imagine Donald Duck is drawn like he has Downs, and then imagine that that drawing is done by someone who has one hand, and that hand has four broken fingers on it. Add some sexually perverse profanity and include some horrible grammar and misspellings and BOOM. Uncle Dolan. Originally, I believe that the characters were exclusively Disney ones, but it's not uncommon to see Loony Tunes characters interacting with Disney, and vice versa.

Personally, I don't mind the comics - in fact, I like them. I wouldn't say that I looooooove them, but they are entertaining once you "get" them. I also like the fact that they stretch the idea of what the English language is through the weird and unusual spellings in the comics. At first, I was drawn to the idea of Rage Comics because you could have an entire story with very nuanced feelings without words and with only images and agreed upon meanings of certain facial expressions. It was an awesome idea, and Dolan pushes that idea further by actually making the language itself weird.

Anyway, that's how I justify reading a Dolan comic that has him raping Goofy for the fourteenth time.

Go check 'em out.

Dolan on Know Your Meme:

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