Art, comedy, conspiracy and writing for the delusional.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Let Me Tell You A Story Of Cr1tikal Importance

I was once a young man, perhaps like the person currently reading this. I was confused, my mind clouded with a dense fog of ubiquitous obliquity, disturbed by the fact that I had discovered yes, there is no balm in Gilead. Late at night, desperately searching for meaning, I stumbled upon the internet and found myself at a game called QWOP and began to play this rag-doll based flash game for a record two hours before I raged quit and demanded someone give me sense about this game; I went to YouTube and typed into the search field: QWOP.

That's when I made a glorious discovery that is equal with the discoveries of Special Relativity, the Polio Vaccine and birth of fire and the wheel. I found the video "The Most Difficult Game Ever Created Gameplay and Commentary" made my a man named Cr1tikal, who was commentating the very game I just spent most of my life (well, the past two hours of it) trying to complete.

And, as the Lord said, it was good.

I laughed. I cried. I burped. I did everything possible during those six minutes.

At first I thought that this was a fluke. No way was this guy was as funny as he was in this video, so I watched more and more of his vast collection. And, thankfully, my first guess was wrong. By now, I have seen a lot of his work, and I am usually blown away by the hilarious vocabulary, simile and metaphor of Cr1tikal's discourse as well the types of games he plays and the actual sound of his voice - at first I thought that he was my long lost brother. I, too, have loved making commentaries to videos and even my voice sounds very much like his... But alas, I digress.

Seriously, though, Cr1tikal makes some of the best videos on YouTube that I've seen, and according to the video "Charity", he gives the money he makes from these videos to charity, so not only is he funny as hell, he's also a hell of a nice guy. Check him out. Seriously. It's obvious that the guy loves what he does with video games and that laid-back attitude is such a breath of fresh air in the online world.

Looking forward to your next video!

Here's the links:

The Most Difficult Game Ever Created:

Cr1tikal's Channel:

Also, don't forget to follow this blog! The "Follow" button is at the top of the screen.

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