Art, comedy, conspiracy and writing for the delusional.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Super Awesome Sidewalks

If you ever want to go to San Francisco and spend your valuable time and energy looking down at the sidewalks instead of looking up at the great landmarks and such, you'll find a veritable universe of art underneath your feet - if only you're willing to look for it.

But never fear! Since I live here and must survive the sporadic bitter cold Arctic wind whipping into your face by looking down, I have been - like a modern Madame Curie slowly dying from her discovery - delving into the world of sidewalk art for your benefit.

Check it out!

Like I've said many times before, San Francisco: Hipster City

This is just a cool flower. I have no sarcastic remark...... Yet.

Yes. What happened to Nikko, indeed?

Mirror mirror on the wall...

This is a few blocks down from the corner of Haight and Stanyan. One of my favorites.

According to the Golden Gate Bridge, the fashion of the 1950s are still alive and well.

On 18th Avenue, this is part one of a glorious design. The other side of the block has a carving of Godzilla riding a T-Rex that shoots lasers from its eyes while dragons are flying F-15s and bombing the city below where Moses, shirtless and full of muscles, is parting a sea of bodies as Medusa comes forth from the briney deep and wrestles Jesus while the Devil is leading an orchestra that is playing Charlie Daniels songs - all of this action is framed in such a way that all of it is actually only within a snowglobe of an autistic child holding it in his hands. Unfortunately, I ran out of battery on my phone, so I was only able to get this pic of a flower.

Who IS J.P.? 

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