Art, comedy, conspiracy and writing for the delusional.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sha-dow Peo-ple

What was that?

A shadow in the distance?  A demon from the fifth dimension?  A crazy old lady who is about to demolish your head with a seven day old fruitcake?

Oh, no, it was just a shadow person. Now I can get back to eating my Doritos and watching... Wait, a shadow person?

If you ever find yourself alone at night and see something flash beside you in the corner of your eye, after reading this website you will be convinced that that quick burst of weird light diffusion was definitely an unknown, slightly ambiguous, most assuredly evil (kind of but not really) shadow person/dog/force/book thing.

In a way, you could say that I'm jealous of all of these people who have had an experience. I've spent the twenty-one years of my life desperately wanting to see a ghost, and I guess I'm just not cool enough to hang out with because apparently, these shadow people are more prevalent than the damn ghosts in Pac-Man.

Either way, if you read these stories about people's experiences with shadow people for teh lulz, or if you really believe in them, these accounts will make you not want to look in the bathroom mirror at night. If you do, I hope that you can run to your room...

Shadow People Archive

1 comment:

  1. after so many of those however I have trouble believing the majority of them...
    some of them are pretty lawl :D
    but yeah thanks to this and what you said earlier I'm definitely having demon fears tonight.
